Saturday, March 29, 2008

Evaluate your options

Someone asked me what I would do, if I were in my friend's situation and expensive medical treatment is needed for a loved one.

Here is my approach:
a) I will evaluate various alternatives, from various doctors
b) I seek advice from independent and knowledgeable people
c) I will not depend on the advice of an adviser (doctor) who has a conflict of interest

I wish to share this story.

A few years ago, Dr. Ee Peng Liang, the "father of charity" in Singapore, told me, "Kin Lian, my doctor told me that I had stomach cancer. But I have decided not to be treated as I am already over 80 years. I will leave this matter in the hands of God". Dr. Ee passed away peacefully after a year or two.

There are many ways to "do the best" for a loved one. Spending money on expensive medical treatment, with a slim chance of recovery, is only one way.

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