Wednesday, April 30, 2008

Management direction has changed

Dear Mr. Tan,

Thanks for giving me a job when I am in need while you're still our CEO at NTUC INCOME.
I have decided to leave INCOME as the direction of the management changed.

The commercial mindset INCOME adopted is no doubt one of the good options but it will be likely at the expense of the policyholders as the cost of operation increased (renovation, staff salary adjustment and advertisement).

I really admired the days when INCOME was steered by your leadership. This is also one of the reasons that motivated me to join NTUC INCOME during your era. Your management has definitely secured a job for the staff under your care and benefited the policyholders at large as they enjoy good bonus from year to year from the policies.

Mr. Tan you're always a model for me to learn and I am looking forward to your return to this industry to benefit us.

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