Wednesday, April 23, 2008

U.S. Presidential Election

I have been following the primary election with great interest. The Republican Party has selected their candidate, John McCain, quite early. The Democratic Party is still at a deadlock.

The headline in MyPaper said, "The Democratic Conundrum"
Hillary Clinton: "She can't win but won't quit"
Barack Obama: "He's going to win but can't close it out".

I hope that the Democratic Party can sort out its conundrum early and field a strong candidate in the election in November.

Here is my suggestion. Clinton and Obama work together as a team. Clinton will be the Presidential candidate and Obama will be the Vice Presidential candidate in 2008. In 2012, Clinton will step down (i.e. a prior agreement) and support Obama as the Presidential candidate.

Clinton is now 60 years old and has more experience in Government. She should take the leadership in 2008. Obama is mid 40s. In 4 years time, Obama will have the experience to take over.

My personal wish is that a Democrat will be the next USA President.

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