Monday, May 26, 2008

Investing my savings

I am now 60 years old. I have savings from my CPF (taken out at 55 years) and past savings from other sources.

At present, my total savings are invested in the following sources:

1. Foreign currency fixed deposits - 20%
2. REITS (real estate trusts) - 20%
3. Singapore and global shares - 50%
4. Life insurance policies - 10%

My investment in foreign currency fixed deposits earn an interest rate of 7% but is subject to currency risk. The REIT earns a dividend yield of about 5%. The Singapore and global shares earn a yield of about 3%.

All of these investments have risks. However, as I am investing them for 10 to 20 years, I can ride out the volatility in the markets. I hope that the good years will offset the bad years, and give me an average yield of more than 5%. In the case of the foreign currency fixed deposits, I expect the excess interest to offset a potential deprecation of the currency.

My savings in life insurance policies were made during the past 30 years. I keep these policies, if they continue to give a reasonable yield. I shall be discontinuing the policies that earn less than 3% p.a.

I will not be putting any new investments in a life insurance policy, as the return is poor. I do not like policies that have high terminal bonus, as a large part of the future yield is uncertain, non-transparent and beyond my control.

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