Tuesday, May 6, 2008

Lack of transparency and accountability

Hello Kin Lian,
I really do empathise your plight - as what your former staff said: I quote " that if you are still the CEO, you would probably singing the same tune"....

I do agree with you that the bonus cut is uncalled for. As a layman, every now and then, whenever thereis a 'cut' in bonus, citing economic down turn - as an excuse, and policy holders are the 'guinea pig" to get the 'cut'.

All this while, we have no one to champion our grievances ..... and have to stomach the bonus 'cut' in silence. I feel there is no "transparency and accountability" on this issue as in my opinion, most management staffs are refrain from making "unnecessary comments" on the said subject.

Now, I am extremely delighted that with you at our side, the 'reduction in bonus' is now taken to task. I do hope other insurance companies, before taking out the 'knife' to "butcher" the policy holders' policy bonus rate, will think twice now.

Keep up the good work and now, my perception of you is changed.

Thank you. In this case, the cut in bonus is unnecessarry as the invesment yield in 2007 was very high.

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