Saturday, September 5, 2009

Nickelodeon / Safe Kids USA: Chicken

Tool Director Harry Cocciolo and Nickelodeon Creative Advertising collaborate to deliver an urban twist on the age-old joke "Why did the chicken cross the road?" for Nickelodeon. This time around it's a joke with a sobering punch-line. As cell phones, mp3 players and text messaging become greater distractions to pedestrians and drivers alike, Nickelodeon has teamed up with Safe Kids USA to launch a new campaign aimed at making kids aware of the dangers of technological distractions. Chicken opens with a cool hen strutting down a city street as it pumps the latest jam in its headphones. When the bird fails to notice the "Don't Walk" sign flashing at the intersection, it continues to cross into oncoming traffic and meets a "fowl" demise. The message is clear and humorously executed by Cocciolo. It doesn't matter why the chicken crosses the road, what truly matters is that its paying attention. So when walking in the city, take off your headphones, stop texting while walking and get off your phone. Paying attention saves lives.

Advertising Agency: Nickelodeon Creative Advertising, USA
VP/Creative Director: Pete Johnson
Design Director: Juan Carlos Gutierrez
Head Writer: Jared Elliotta
Project Manager: Mike Zermenoi
Producer: David DeLuca
Prod Company: Tool of North America
Director: Harry Cocciolo
DP: Mark Plummer
EP(s): Brian Latt, Jennifer Siegel
Line Producer: Lauren Bayer
Production Designer: Joaquin Grey
Editorial: Final Cut
Editor: Akiko Iwakawa
Producer: Brian Semple
Telecine: Technicolor/Complete Post
Aired: August 2009

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