Wednesday, June 2, 2010

Mandriva Linux 2010 Spring RC2 Released

It is available for download Mandriva Linux 2010 Spring RC2. It has been announced that this RC2 is latest development version before releasing final version, is focused on correcting errors, improved guest account, restricting access to some admin tools, data of other users, other settings.
Other featuresEnhanced encryption and simpler system
Easy enabling non-free repositories

Amarok 2.3.1 "The Bell" Released

The development team of perhaps best music player in Linux, we introduced new version, Amarok 2.3.1. All effort and dedication converge in this release that comes with significant enhancements and features such as new playlist based on criteria (Smart Playlist), we can create a long list of tracks or file size.

They have added 2 new applets, one called "upcoming events, concerts and events shows