Friday, August 6, 2010

Google surrenders with Wave

Google has announced on his blog, which will paralyze development of Wave.

Platform, presented last year in the I/O, which at first was at express invitation, has not proved how Google expected.

Perhaps too ambitious for time they appeared and too complicated for what users were accustomed.

Just as Buzz, Google also, it looked to stagnate and has followed a line up of users and usage, Wave

11 Options to optimize images in Linux

With passage of time and many theme changes I made in my various blogs I've noticed that are 3 things that make a site load slow: poor hosting some javascript scripts and images that are very heavy.

The first 2 are easiest solution (a good hosting and godaddy and remove unneeded scripts.) But deal with images sometimes do not do it for simple laziness, or may not know program that does it or

Ubuntu 10.10 Maverick Meerkat Alpha 3

The road to Ubuntu 10.10 Maverick Meerkat that will see its final version on October 10, 2010 if all goes well and meets schedule took a further step today with launch of Alpha 3, you can see the new in this version at this link.

You know and I know but I tell them, is a development version, released for testing and reporting bugs and not suitable for installation in production environments.