Wednesday, September 8, 2010

Install Converseen 0.3.1 on Ubuntu

Converseen is a program helps us to make an unlimited number of images from one format to another at once.

It supports over 100 image formats and is very easy to use. You just have to load image or a batch of them, choose destination folder and format conversion.

It has also ability to resize images so we can make thumbnails galleries (thumbnails) in a single pass with many pictures.

It has

Linux Mint 9 Fluxbox released

Linux Mint team has announced immediate availability Linux Mint 9 Fluxbox.
On basis of Lubuntu 10.04 Lucid Lynx, Linux 2.6.32, Fluxbox 1.1.2 and Xorg 7.6, this edition has a lot of improvements and latest software Open Source.
These are features you'll find install:Tint2 Panel.
New Thunar options, move to trash and delete.
New manager software.
New backup tool.
Best visual appearance.