Tuesday, July 20, 2010

How to Install Firefox 4.0 beta using Ubuntu ppa

Much has been said lately about firefox 4. The new version of this browser which is currently in beta 1 and it is considered a stable and secure version to navigate daily. I am not a fan of this browser, but I personally prefer chromium give you an opportunity to firefox 4.

Let us see how to install firefox 4 from Ubuntu repositories in PPA :

Open a terminal and type following lines each

Review of GIMP 2.7.1 With Pictures

I will refer to most important thing brought in by this version, a pilot version of official version number 2.8, which is expected to be released late this year or early next year:
First: For first time , version released by one window, where he was maligned on this program it is multi-windows, and thus causing designer a degree of confusion and prevent exploitation of entire screen space, it